Updated on May 27, 2024
Spotlight Week 2024 Q2 Recap
May 27, 2024

Recap of Spotlight Week 2024 Q2

Looking back on Spotlight Week 2024 Q2

Last week was an exciting one for us at Spectate, as we unveiled a series of updates and integrations during our first-ever Spotlight Week. From new branding to enhanced alerting and incident management, we're excited to have shared these features with you.

A fresh new look

We kicked off Spotlight Week with a bold new branding and website redesign. Our new logo and modern aesthetic are more than just a facelift - they represent our commitment to making monitoring and incident management more efficient, intuitive, and accessible.

Infrastructure Monitoring GA

Next, we announced the general availability of our Infrastructure Monitoring feature. Allowing you to monitor your entire application stack, including servers and infrastructure and to prevent downtime and performance issues proactively.

Improved alerting and incident management

We then introduced a major overhaul of our alerting and incident management platform, featuring intelligent alert routing, customizable alert policies, resolve grace periods, and smart incident merging.

These updates are designed to reduce noise, minimize alert fatigue, and provide a more streamlined incident management experience.

Intercom integration

Finally, we launched our brand-new Intercom integration, enabling seamless communication between your status page and Intercom workspace. This integration reduces support burden during incidents, enhances customer experience, and improves support team efficiency. It is available right here on the Intercom app store!

End of Spotlight Week

... for now.

We're proud to have delivered a week's worth of updates that will take your monitoring and incident management to the next level. From our new branding to our Intercom integration, we're committed to continuously improving Spectate.

Thanks for joining us on this quarter's Spotlight Week! We can't wait to see what the future holds for Spectate and our community.