Last updated May 10, 2023

This Acceptable Use Policy ('Policy') is part of our Terms of Service ('Legal Terms') and should therefore be read alongside our main Legal Terms: If you do not agree with these Legal Terms, please refrain from using our Services. Your continued use of our Services implies acceptance of these Legal Terms.

Please carefully review this Policy which applies to any and all:

Who we are

We are Spectate ('Company', 'we', 'us', or 'our') a company registered in the Netherlands at Jan Stuytstraat 64, Bergschenhoek 2662 JB. We operate the website (the 'Site'), the mobile application Spectate (the 'App'), as well as any other related products and services that refer or link to this Policy (collectively, the 'Services' ).

Use of the services

When you use the Services you warrant that you will comply with this Policy and with all applicable laws.

You also acknowledge that you may not:

If you subscribe to our Services, you understand, acknowledge, and agree that you may not, except if expressly permitted:


In this Policy, the term 'Contribution' means:

Some areas of the Services may allow users to upload, transmit, or post Contributions. We may but are under no obligation to review or moderate the Contributions made on the Services, and we expressly exclude our liability for any loss or damage resulting from any of our users' breach of this Policy. Please report any Contribution that you believe breaches this Policy; however, we will determine, in our sole discretion, whether a Contribution is indeed in breach of this Policy.

You warrant that:

You also agree that you will not post, transmit, or upload any (or any part of a) Contribution that:

Reporting a breach of this policy

We may but are under no obligation to review or moderate the Contributions made on the Services and we expressly exclude our liability for any loss or damage resulting from any of our users' breach of this Policy.

If you consider that any Content or Contribution:

We will reasonably determine whether a Content or Contribution breaches this Policy.

Consequences of breaching this policy

The consequences for violating our Policy will vary depending on the severity of the breach and the user's history on the Services, by way of example:

We may, in some cases, give you a warning and/or remove the infringing Contribution, however, if your breach is serious or if you continue to breach our Legal Terms and this Policy, we have the right to suspend or terminate your access to and use of our Services and, if applicable, disable your account. We may also notify law enforcement or issue legal proceedings against you when we believe that there is a genuine risk to an individual or a threat to public safety. 

We exclude our liability for all action we may take in response to any of your breaches of this Policy.


Spectate is under no obligation to monitor users’ activities, and we disclaim any responsibility for any user’s misuse of the Services. Spectate has no responsibility for any user or other Content or Contribution created, maintained, stored, transmitted, or accessible on or through the Services, and is not obligated to monitor or exercise any editorial control over such material. If Spectate becomes aware that any such Content or Contribution violates this Policy, Spectate may, in addition to removing such Content or Contribution and blocking your account, report such breach to the police or appropriate regulatory authority. Unless otherwise stated in this Policy, Spectate disclaims any obligation to any person who has not entered into an agreement with Spectate for the use of the Services.

How can you contact us about this policy?

If you have any further questions or comments or wish to report any problematic Content or Contribution, you may contact us by:
