Updated on August 21, 2023
August 21, 2023

Performance monitoring, user reports & more

Huge features to be introduced, including performance monitoring, user reports for status pages and the new London and New York City locations.

First of all, we're introducing two new locations to monitor from: London and New York.

Then, let's talk performance! We made some huge improvements on Spectate itself, and in order to monitor this, we used our new performance monitoring.

You can set a hard threshold, which when exceeded once will instantly trigger an alert, and a deviation threshold, which will compare the average performance of the last 15 minutes to the 2 hours before that and then send an alert. Useful, because this way you are notified of issues before your website might go offline 🥳!

Status pages also got a great new feature: User Reports. Before, when everything showed as operational, your users could only report issues via email. Now, they can easily click the report button, optionally select the component they experience issues with and submit the report!

You can set thresholds to send an alert if you, for example, receive 50 reports in 10 minutes. Your status page will automatically show a new status indicating there are unconfirmed issues and you can investigate.

Lots of other things have been introduced and improved, please see the complete changelog below.

What's new?

  • Performance monitoring, with hard thresholds and average performance checks.
  • Added user reports to status pages
  • Added a quick-glance overview of your status page to the dashboard.
  • Introduced a free plan.
  • New location: London.
  • New location: New York (in favour of Miami).


  • Made massive improvements in accuracy, performance and reliability overall.
  • Added country flags to notifications in i.e. Slack and Discord.
  • Improved and fixed issues with the status page updates AI.
  • Status pages load component uptime faster.
  • Improved form validation, reducing errors.
  • Removed the minimal size requirement of 1kb for favicons. Feel free to upload smaller files now!
  • Pushover test notifications are now sent using the priority setting of the channel.
  • Improved loading indicators for slow connections.
  • Handling of affected components when creating or updating status page updates has improved.
  • Added placeholders to the dashboard if there's no data.
  • Updated the team selector.