Updated on March 14, 2023
March 15, 2023

Incident timelines and more

First of all, one of our biggest updates is that we are now operating under the domain spectate.net instead of spectatehq.com. We are very glad to drop the hq suffix in this early stage.

Next, we have lots of new features to share as we've now laid the foundations for our opinionated incident management workflow.

What's new?

  • Reworked the incident detail page, including a minute by minute timeline
  • Introduced 30-second checks for monitor uptime and performance checks.
  • (Re-)added sorting to monitor list.
  • Added Atom and RSS feeds to status pages
  • Added password protection to status pages
  • Added tags to monitors and notification channels so notifications are only sent if they have the same tag(s)


  • Disabled monitors are no longer taken into account for dashboard statistics such as the average uptime or slowest monitor.
  • You can now toggle visibility for password fields
  • Improved responsiveness of the status page layout
  • Added optional label to component's related monitors, as they're not required