Updated on April 30, 2023
May 1, 2023

AI powered status pages, stability and performance

Since we officially launched on the 19th, we have focused on improving the overall performance and stability of Spectate. But... of course, introduced some great features too, including AI-powered status page automation.

Got any feedback or missing a feature? Let us know on our Roadmap.

What's new?

  • Introduced AI-powered status page incident report automation. You can enable this in the status page settings under "Automation".
  • Added a button to reset the status page theme to default.
  • Added ongoing incidents to the top of the status page.
  • The monitor list and performance dashboard now automatically refreshes every 60 seconds.
  • Added search functionality to monitor list.
  • Added voice/sms notification channel type.
  • Added markdown support to status page incident updates.


  • The default status page theme has been updated.
  • Status page uptime now fades based on impact (e.g. 99.9% is redder than 99.95%).
  • Added date to the incident timeline.
  • Ignore "down" heartbeats when calculating average/high/low response times.
  • We no longer create automatic status page updates for SSL issues like "expires soon".
  • The Nürnburg location has been moved to Falkenstein.
  • For the nerds: we're now running on Timescaledb for even better performance!